What determines how much water is enough? What happens inside the body when we drink too much, too little, or just the right amount of water? True story and a helpful video with answers.
True story: my elderly mother has always hated drinking water. “It doesn’t taste like anything,” she says.
I sigh. “Mom, it’s water. Water keeps everything on this planet alive.”
“I don’t like it.”
Whenever my mother needs bloodwork, she leaves the doctor’s office bruised like she’s been battered and assaulted. The phlebotomists all tell her the same thing. “Your blood vessels are dehydrated, so it’s hard to get the needle in. Please drink water.”
My mom gives the same reaction. She nods, “Mm-hmm, alright.” Then she grips my arm and whispers, “I don’t like drinking water.”
“But, Mom…” I close my eyes and hang my head. “Those bruises are because the nurse can’t find your veins. You need to drink water to plump them up so they can poke you one time instead of a dozen times.”
My mother shrugs. “I know. These bruises look horrible and I don’t like needles. They prick and poke me so many times to find my veins.”

Without any further ado, watch this amazingly informative video about the virtues of proper hydration.
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